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US and Chinese hotel bookings increase after Brexit

时间:2016-07-11 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:http://www.tripmaster.cn

Bookings from US and China have increased in the week after the Brexit vote, according to Figures released from Best Western Great Britain. The hotel group said that one hotel in Edinburgh reported a ten-fold increase in bookings from America and Chinese bookings up nearly 50% compared with the same week last year.

Best Western says the pattern has continued in York, where hotels have seen an increase in international bookings with one hotel recording a 236% increase in bookings from America in the post-Brexit, while in Cambridge, Chinese bookings increased 6% and in the Lake District a 10% increase in international bookings was recorded at one property.

Best Western Great Britain represents over 260 properties across the country.

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