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Google's Nearby Deal test hints at hotel metasearch

时间:2016-10-26 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:http://www.tripmaster.cn

Google has been experimenting with displaying centered content for a single hotel result, a new advertising placement popping up for points of sale worldwide.

From our observations, it appears that the Deals are nearby properties with similar ratings and amenities. The “Nearby Deal” doesn’t appear to need to be a Deal in the normal Google sense of being lower priced than normal. 

The experience encourages a direct comparison for users when they may be fairly deep in the booking process.

Nearby Deal provides a value to users, which should help advertisers in the long run. A well informed user may convert higher since they are prequalifying further before clicking to the site.

It may become more important in the future for advertisers to understand which properties are subject to these types of experiences, and which properties are recommended as Nearby Deals to maximize traffic volume.

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