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Coronavirus is already impacting Disney

时间:2020-07-10 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

For the first time ever, every single Disney park in Asia is now closed. The Tokyo Disneyland Resort joined the parks in Hong Kong and Shanghai when it closed for a three-week period beginning on Friday.

Reports of a possible closure of the parks in Japan began days ahead of the official closing, which was timed with nationwide closures across Japan, including multiple other visitor attractions, schools, and national museums. Both Disneyland and the Universal Studios resort in Osaka will are closed until at least March 15. This is unlike the "until further notice" closures that have taken place in the Hong Kong and Shanghai resorts. Some unverified reports point to those two resorts – which are co-owned with the local governments – may be closed for months.

In France, home of the only non-U.S. Disney resort majority-owned by the Walt Disney Company, the government followed Switzerland's lead and has banned all public gatherings of 5,000 or more people in a confined space. It’s still unclear how this will affect the Disneyland Paris resort, with many travelers taking to social media seeking information a potential closure of the park. Multiple fan sites are now reporting a closure is imminent.

Leadership within Disney is reportedly meeting daily and are in regular communication with other industry leaders regarding their response. As with other security concerns, any response by the parks will likely be in unison with all Orlando parks responding in a similar fashion at the same time.

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