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Paris-based Homerez raises €6 million for its app for vacation home rental owners

时间:2018-11-30 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Parisian startup Homerez has simplified the process for vacation home rental owners, with an app which allows them to simply list their property on over 20 websites. The startup has just raised €6 million from Seventure Partners, along with existing investors Entrepreneur Venture and XAnge, and private investors Nicolas Brumelot, Frédéric Halley, David Roche, and Pablo Szefner. This brings the total raised by the startup to €10 million.

Launched in 2014, the company creates ads in five languages and broadcasts them on rental platforms like HomeAway, Booking.com, and Airbnb, or review sites like TripAdvisor. The company also offers various services to landlords including booking management, customer calls, e-mail responses and contract signing. To date, over 6,000 homeowners have signed up with the platform, mainly in France. However, the startup’s goal is to manage more than 50,000 properties within five years.

With the new investment, Homerez intends to strengthen its position in the European market before it moves into new markets. The startup is also developing a new product for home owners, which it will launch in January 2019.

Loïc Dupont, co-founder of Homerez, said: “It is estimated that the number of available homes have increased by a factor of 10 in just a few years.“

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